Ambition & Longing

Permanent exhibition

Ambition & Longing

Breda in the 19th Century

Ambition and change

The advent of the steam engine, industrialisation, and the modernisation of society changed Breda. The ancient castle became the Royal Military Academy and the fortifications were demolished to make way for an ambitious urban expansion scheme. Factories like Wittouck, Backer & Rueb and Kwatta opened, bring prosperity and jobs to the town.

Romantic longing

At the same time, this progress prompted a countermovement, kindling a desire for the way things used to be. This can be seen in the romantic paintings and drawings produced by Breda artists. Visitors will be able to admire the work of Huysmans, Kannemans, Van Schendel and others. The nostalgic scenes of farm life in Dongen by artists like Allebé and Liebermann present a romantic image of country life.

Fun for the whole family

The exhibition will also be fun for young visitors (6+), who will be able to do the ‘Guess What I Am’ tour, and discover inventions from the past that are no longer used, as well as testing their own invention skills at our Breda Factory. 
This tour is only available in Dutch.

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